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Duncan Finlyson
Director 0203 371 1064 duncanfinlyson@infolegal.co.uk

Duncan is a director of Infolegal and a non-practising solicitor. He qualified in 1981 and has, throughout his career, been closely involved in developing new ways in which lawyers deliver services, interact with clients and compete both in and outside of the traditional legal market.
During the mid 1980’s he was involved in the promotion of property selling by solicitors and was for several years a member of the consultative council of the National Association of Solicitor Property Centres.
In 1990 he left private practice to join the newly formed legal network LawNet, becoming Managing Director in 1995, where he was instrumental in developing one of the first quality standards for solicitors and where he worked closely with the then Legal Aid Board in developing the practice management criteria.
Following a period as Legal Services Director for a web-based IT company Duncan then set up his own legal management consultancy dealing with practice development and IT-based issues and later became a policy adviser at the SRA.
From 2004 to 2010 Duncan was the administrator for the Solicitors Assistance Scheme and managed the Lawyers Defence Group.
Duncan specialises in the areas of areas of professional conduct, practice management, data protection, as well as in IT related issues such as cybersecurity, search engine optimisation, the use of social networking by law firms and the development of web-based legal services. He writes regularly for the web and legal periodicals, has written books on conveyancing practice, cybersecurity for law firms and data protection. He is the co-author of Volumes 12(2) (A) & (B) – “Data Protection and Freedom of Information” – of the Lexis Nexis Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents and both wrote and developed the Law Society’s Delivering Diversity CD.
Areas of Expertise
Cybersecurity, IT, Data Protection, Equality and Diversity
- Manchester University – Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) – 1975 – 1978
- College of Law – Chester – 1978 – 1979