Reporting Diversity Data
Let Infolegal collect, analyse and collate your diversity data anonymously and confidentially so that you can make your report to the SRA.

2019 SRA Survey
The SRA requires that all regulated firms collect, report and publish data about the diversity make-up of their workforce. This must be done every two years and those who have not already done so have until July 1st 2019 to submit the data to the SRA. If they are unable to do so within that timescale they must endeavour to do so as quickly as they can.
Gathering the data together and analysing it need not be an administrative headache thanks to the Infolegal survey system. We will take the strain of anonymously collecting the data for you and then reporting back with an analysis of the results for you to submit to the SRA.
We can even supply you with a pdf or text to use on your website which incorporates bar and pie charts to illustrate the data.
If you would like to know more about this service and receive details of the cost, please just complete and submit the form at the bottom of this page and we will get straight back to you.
Collecting Diversity Data
Diversity data needs to be from everyone working at the firm and not just legally qualified staff. It should include both full-time and part-time employees (including those on sick-leave or maternity leave) and temporary employees and contracted staff who have been or will be with the firm for 3 months or longer.
Infolegal can assist your firm in collecting the data, analysing it and then providing it to you in a format that you can use for submitting to the SRA.
Simply sign up to our service using the form below and we will contact you so that you can make an online payment and we will then forward to you a link and QR code for you to send to your staff enabling them anonymously to complete the diversity survey.
As soon as you are happy that everyone who is going to complete it – or after a fixed length of time, the choice is yours, we will then send you an analysis of the responses for you to submit to the SRA using the link on their website.
Making Compliance Simple and Safe
Inevitably the questions in the form are intrusive and partners and staff may be reluctant to provide the information requested. They cannot be required to do so but the SRA would like to see firms encouraging them to do so. They can of course also choose not to answer any part of the questionnaire.
The Infolegal diversity questionnaire makes answering the questions as easy as possible and all partners and staff can do so either online using their computer browser or on their phone and tablet simply by using the supplied QR code.
The whole exercise is completely anonymous and staff only need to answer the questions they are comfortable replying to.

Request Information
If you would like us to contact you with further information, please complete the form below.
Need Help?
Please feel free get in touch with us. We will always do our best to get back to you as soon as possible and always within 1-2 business days.
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