Money Laundering Compliance for Solicitors
Matthew Moore and Diane Price

Published: 30 October 2024
Price: £60 + £4.50 P&P
The pressures placed upon solicitors in relation to anti-money laundering compliance have grown substantially. Not only are we seeing a significant increase in investigations by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, but we are also seeing the imposition of far higher fines for non-compliance.
Given recent comments from the Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS) concerning weaknesses in the legal sector’s supervision of anti-money laundering, it seems likely that this is something which will be with us for some considerable time.
Now in its third edition, “Money Laundering Compliance for Solicitors” provides practical guidance for solicitors as to the anti-money laundering risks and obligations to which law firms and their personnel are subject. In particular it looks at:
- how the various statutory and regulatory provisions impact upon the work of solicitors,
- what firms need to do in order to ensure that they remain fully compliant,
- the requirements behind the current AML regime,
- what is expected of firms by the SRA,
- proliferation financing,
- sanctions,
- the Trust and Company Service Provider provisions, and
- related issues including mortgage fraud, anti-bribery legislation, cybercrime and the Criminal Finances Act 2017.
Money Laundering Compliance for Solicitors provides a clear explanation not just of what is required but also why it is needed, the steps that must be taken and the consequences for firms of not doing so. It is written in such a way as to be both a clear and understandable explanation of the provisions, as well as an easy to access reference work.

ISBN: 978-1-0685206-0-0
Published: 30 October 2024
Publisher: Infolegal Publishing
Format: Paperback
Pages: 347
Price: £60.00
Postage & Packing: £4.50